Monday, August 14, 2017


So recently being a stay at home mom I needed something else to do. I needed mom friends! Being my age with a child is awesome but, a lot of women my age are starting careers or in college. So it was super hard to relate with a lot of my friends. I had a friend tell me she wanted to try this work out class and I needed to come with her. Awesome I wanted to lose weight as well I was 10 weeks postpartum and ready to be back in shape! I clearly said yes and this was one of the best decisions Ive made! Fit4moms has not only given me some of the most awesome moms that have become such great friends to me. With the hard work of going to classes when ever I can sometimes even twice a day and choosing the right decisons when it comes to eating i'm back to my high school weight! Every mom should know about this program. They do family work out day where the husbands get to join, family field trips and my favorite moms night out once a month. Not only is it for moms but, my whole family gets to be included to I don't know what more I could ask for. I just love how i'm able to get fit with my child no excuses.

If you have any questions about this program feel free to message me or go on there Facebook, instagram, or website! I hope you join!

Mylisa :)

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Euphoric Herbals.

If you have never heard of this company and you are a breastfeeding momma you need to read! I have always had a fear of drying up or not being able to produce enough milk for my little one. So since the beginning I read everything I could read on breastfeeding, storage, supplements and foods to eat and foods to avoid. As soon as I had Avery I was a pumping machine I would pump after every feeding and at night. I was able to build a good stock pile but, of course it started to get old. I was a stay at home mom she was with me at all times and I stopped pumping. I regret this! My supply started to get low and when I went back to Pumping I wasn't pumping nearly as much as i used to and  I was freaked out. I went on a quest to re-up my supply. I tried teas, eating certain foods and then I ordered supplements. A mixture of some of these became perfect for me now I know its not going to be the same for everyone but, there is hope to finding something that works! I tried two different teas one that worked ok (Earth Mama Milkmaid Teas) and one that did not (Milkmakers Original).

The Earth Mama worked ok but I still wanted a better supply so thats when I tried Euphoric Herbals. I read about them on instagram and I couldn't find anything bad and only good things. I first tried their milk machine supplements with the same results as the tea an ok supply up than I had. I then tried there Dairy Fairy and all my prays had been answered! I was able to feed avery all day and have an extra 9 ounces to go into freezer definitely a dream I now have a shelf in my freezer and Three shelves in the fridge filled with milk. You never know when you will need it! I hope this helps! 

Mylisa :)

Monday, March 13, 2017

I'm Coming Back!

So I've been definitely slacking on writing on my blog! Im trying to get back into posting more I swear. In the last couple months since I've posted I've had a beautiful baby girl, bought a condo, got our first trailer and got engaged! Right so much has happened since my last time on here. I plan on doing some back posting on all those things so be prepared! With now being a stay at home momma I have a lot more time on here :)

Love :)