Devin and I try and go on fun dates even if its a hike we consider that a date. So today was date day! What it date day you say?! It is a date that last all day !! There're my favorite and don't happen very often so I will soak it up and tell you all about it.!
First stop was of course to hit my pancake craving
mykes cafe. How could I not stop here! I totally forgot about about a picture because we ate it so quick!
Second stop our favorite place Disneyland! We have season passes so we only pay for parking and we bring snacks water and lunch so were not spending a ton on food. I always sneak in a treat though this time I skipped on the treat and got some more ears. ;)
Before the game on the left, the score in the middle, I won! I had to get an after he found out I won picture.
Third Stop Anaheim Honda Center to see our favorite men the La Kings. We have never done a Disneyland and kings game all in one day. So this was a first and we have always wanted to do it. Its preseason so tickets were cheap. We couldn't pass up the opportunity to do both this Sunday. Hope you guys had a great weekend! I would love to hear about your dates comment below on what you like to do or suggest.
Lots of love,
Mylisa :)